Hey there,

Here’s another look from Chicago. 

When I go on holidays to visit any new place it usually means I’ll be doing a lot of walking so being comfy is key for me. But comfy doesn’t exclude style. That’s why for this day of strolling around Chicago I decided to wear a beautiful red dress with white converse. I think nowadays anything can be styled with a pair of white converse, and if they are leather as mine are, that’s a plus!

This feminine dress is from Ba&sh and I got it earlier this summer in Paris. The leather converse and the bag are from TK Maxx and they were a real bargain! And a great purchase as well as I use them all the time.I’ll be curious to know if this is a style you like to wear when you are on holidays?



El look de hoy viene de nuevo desde Chicago, ciudad donde estrené este precioso y femenino vestido que compré unas semanas antes en París.

Cuando voy de vacaciones y visito un lugar nuevo me gustar llevar algo con lo que me sienta cómoda pero que además sea estiloso. Al fin y al cabo, siempre que viajas haces muchas fotos y es por eso que me gusta llevar un look chic! Lo confieso, pienso todos mis looks cuando me voy de vacaciones, je, je.

Y vosotros, ¿llevaríais este look? ¿Dedicáis tiempo a pensar los looks que lleváis cuando organizáis la maleta para ir de vacaciones?

Hope you like it!










 Dress: Ba&sh
Shoes: Converse
Bag: TK Maxx
Sunglasses: Celine 
Watch: Michael Kors 
Necklace: Maria Pascual



Juice cleanse 

Hey there,
Back in June I tried one of those detox cleanse that we’ve been seeing everywhere for the past years now. I have to admit I was a bit reluctant to try them and hesitant as to what would be the actual benefits of it.

However, it was the first time I felt bloated for weeks and even months! I think it was because all the travel I’ve been doing for the last eight months and all the eating out plus no excersising at all. I know, shame on me.

Anyway, I decided to give it a try. After all, I didn’t have much to lose. As I was a beginner on this cleanse world, I decided the one day cleanse was enough for me. After checking many different companies offering these cleanses packs, I decided to go with “Press London” which offers cold pressed juices packs. They have recently added soup cleanses as well, so you can still detox yourself on winter and have a warm and nice soup. One of the reasons I chose Press London was because I found the co-founders story so inspiring. But truth be told, it was also one of the cheapest juice packs I could find. I also wanted to visit an actual store ao I was really happy when I saw that they had a stand in Spitafields market. There I went to seek advice as a total beginner and completely lost bird in this all-supper-freaking-healthy world. 

My first one-day cleanse detox was a success in terms of completing it with no struggles. I drank the eight juices through the day and they were all good. I liked ones more than others. I’m not a fan of vanilla, so that one wasn’t my favorite but I have to say they did tasted goooood. 

I wasn’t hungry at all and didn’t have any peanuts or almonds, as they suggested me to have if I was feeling weak. Actually, there were periods where I actually fancy drinking more, but I forced myself to finish all the eight bottles.

The cleanse helped me with my bloated-self and I felt great afterwards. I’ve seen people who have also done the cleanse saying their skin was flawless and better han ever, bla, bla, bla. That might be true and maybe the cleanse help people in different ways but for me, I was just happy that my bloated tummy was gone. 

I’m sure I’ll try this again and maybe ill swap to the winter-y soup cleanse.

I’ll be curious to know, have you tried this type of cleanse before? How did it work for you?

Hope you like it! 

Strolling around Chicago


Hey there,

Today´s look comes all the way from Chicago, the windy city. My little brother had been studying in the States for a year and we thought it´d be good to go and pay him a visit before he came back to Spain. And so we did. Well, my mum and I did as it was difficult to make it work for everyone in the family as my brothers and sister either had exams or they had other trips planned.

I´m wearing a long t-shirt dress. I can not think of anything more comfortable than that, honestly. With my converse, it was the perfect combo for a tourist-kind-of-day to stroll around the city. I also had with me a sweatshirt as when the sun was gone it was a bit chilly. 

What do you think about today´s look? What´s your perfect holiday look to stroll around the city?



El look de hoy viene firmado desde Chicago, donde estuve la última semana de junio con mi madre y mi hermano pequeño. Mi hermano había estado estudiando un año en Oregón así que antes de que volviera a España aprovechamos para vernos en Chicago, ciudad que no conocíamos. Nos gustó mucho la ciudad, la arquitectura es impresionante, pero de eso ya os hablaré en otro post 😉

Para pasear por la ciudad en los viajes siempre opto por looks cómodos que me permitan moverme con facilidad y andar durante horas. Aquí opté por un vestido sport largo y amplio (un t-shirt dress, vaya). Unas converse, para poder caminar durante todo el día sin que mis pies se quejen. Y una sudadera que me vino muy bien porque cuando se iba el sol, refrescaba.

¿Qué os parece? ¿Qué soléis llevar vosotros cuando os toca hacer un día de turismo en la ciudad?


Hope you like it!









Sweatshirt: Filippa K
Shoes: Converse
Watch: Michael Kors
Ring: New One


Cook with me: Veggie Rolls

Hey there,

Today we bring you this super refreshing recipe, which is just perfect for those summer days. Rice rolls filled with yummy fruits and veggies.

Hoy os traemos una receta súper refrescante y perfecta para el verano. Rollitos de arroz rellenos de frutas y verduras frescas.



The main ingredients here are the paper wraps, which are available just about anywhere. Other than that, get as many fruits and/or veggies as you like. You can also go for a dipping sauce, which can work wonders if properly combined with the filling. This time, however, we took the easy route and just went with some store-bought hot sauce and mango chutney.

Los ingredientes necesarios son rollitos/wrappers de arroz, disponibles en casi todos los supermercados, y las frutas y/o verduras que más os apetezcan. También podéis complementar con salsas. Normalmente os recomendaría que las hicieseis caseras, pero por limitaciones de tiempo nosotros esta vez nos decantamos por comprarlas directamente.


First step is prepping your fruits and veggies. Just julienne the crap out of them and get everything ready for assembly time.

Lo primero es preparar los ingredientes. Corta todo en juliana y sepáralo en cuencos para poder armar los rollos con facilidad.


For the assemble you’ll need to have all your ingredients at hand, a container with some water (a pie dish works great for this), a damped towel or damped cutting board, and a place to put the rolls once they are ready. But be careful where you put them. These rolls are super sticky and fragile and, if they get stuck to a surface, can easily break when picking them up.

Para poder empezar a armar los rollitos, vas a necesitar tener todos tus ingredientes a mano, un recipiente con agua en el que quepan las hojas de arroz, un paño húmedo o una tabla de cocina húmeda, y un sitio donde poner los rollitos una vez estén armados, teniendo en cuenta que son súper pegajosos y frágiles.

So, once you’re all set to go, just take one rice wrapper and submerge it in water for about 10-15 seconds. Then, place it in the damped towel/cutting board and throw some fruits and veggies on top. If you want, you can be all cute about it and place them so that the roll will be all pinterest-ready once it’s rolled.

Cuando tengas todo listo, coge una hojita de arroz y métela en el agua unos 10-15 segundos. De ahí, ponla en el paño o la tabla húmeda y échale todos tus ingredientes encima.


Lastly, don’t put way too much stuff in them, and roll them like you would do with a burrito.

Por último, recuerda no pasarte con la cantidad de comida que pones dentro del rollito, y enróllalo como si fuese un burrito.


Hope you’ve enjoyed the post. Now it’s time for you to get out there and try to do some sh!t with this. Just remember that you can do whatever the f*ck you want with them; use just fruits and serve them as a dessert, just with veggies as an appetizer, have them raw, bake them, deep fry them… twist them however you want, as long as you have fun doing so.

Espero que os animéis a probar y experimentar con todo lo que se puede sacar de estos rollitos. Podéis hacerlos solo con fruta, con verduras, crudos, al horno, al vapor, pasados por huevo y fritos, etc.



Hey there,

Here´s a summer look that I actually wore when it was spring. Still, a good inspo with some basics that i´m sure you all have at home. If not, make sure to add them to your wish list for this sale season. Trust me, you´ll need a pair of white jeans. And who doesn’t have a pair of white trainers now that sneakers are the new stilettos?

Aquí tenéis un look veraniego, que en realidad yo llevé un día de primavera. Lo que importa es que es un look cómodo y con básicos que todos podemos encontrar en nuestro armario. Si aún no tenéis un par de vaqueros blancos, habrá que encontrar unos en estas rebajas! Créeme, los vas a necesitar, y te van a sacar de más de un apuro. Y quién no tiene aún un par de zapatillas blancas? Sobretodo ahora, que los sneakers son los nuevos stilettos.


Hope you like it!








Top: Gap
Jeans: Gap
Shoes: Converse
Sunglasses: Pieces
Watch: Swatch

Flowers everywhere

 Hey there,

Here’s a spring look from my last visit to New York. I love this bloosomming season with flowers everywhere, it makes me happy 🙂

And I love the weather as well, not too warm but warm enough to start wearing a cute dress and a jacket

Hoy os traigo un look muy primaveral, de mi última visita a Nueva York. Me encanta la primavera, cuando todas las flores florecen y la temperatura es perfecta para empezar a llevar vestidos pero sin pasar demasiado calor.


Hope you like it!






Top: Mango
Skirt: Vero Moda
Bag: Coach
Sunglasses: Cheap Monday
Watch: Michael Kors
Shoes: Vans

Sleeping in a castle in Amberley 

 Hey there,

A few weeks ago, I went on a weekend getaway to West Sussex. It’s just an hour and a half away from London by train so I arrived there on Friday evening and went back to London on Sunday afternoon.

The place where I stayed, Amberley Castle, was just magical, and when I first arrived there I felt the days ahead were going to be magical too in a way. And sure it was.

All the food I had there was delicious and the service was excellent. Everyone was very kind and gave me some recommendations of where to go for a hike or for a good restaurant in town.

On Saturday morning I went on a long hike, which was beautiful. Luckily the weather was nice and the sun was shining. I always get that happiness boost when I go on a hike. Give me a pair of sneakers, some fresh air and green surroundings and I’ll be at my best mood.

In the afternoon, I sat in the terrace and read while drinking some tea – I’m such a British countrysider already! It was a bit chilly when the sun was gone but the sunset was just amazing. And having a flock of birds dancing and singing in front of me was just the perfect touch for such a breath-taking view.

So I guess now I can say I’ve slept in a castle, can you?

Hace unas semanas, me fue de escapada a West Sussex, situado al sur de Inglaterra. Está a una hora y pico en tren del centro de Londres, así que llegué allí el viernes por la tarde después del trabajo y regresé el domingo por la tarde.

Me hospedé en Amberley Castle, simplemente maravilloso. Es un castillo de amplio terreno que parece sacado de un cuento de hadas. Aquello ya auguraba un gran fin de semana.

La comida del sitio – tenía el desayuno incluido y cené ahí una noche – fue exquisita. Todo el personal fue súper amable y me recomendaron sitios para ir de senderismo y cenar en algún restaurante del centro del pueblo.

El sábado por la mañana me pegué un buen paseo de 15km y no me pude sentir mejor. Respirar aire fresco mientras el sol te da en la cara para mi es maravilloso, especialmente en Inglaterra, donde también es poco habitual!

Por la tarde estuve un buen rato sentada en la terraza leyendo un libro. Cuando empezó a ponerse el sol, ya se notaba el frío pero aquella vista era espectacular, así que me quedé ahí un rato embobada, mirando los colores tan mágicos del cielo y viendo cómo revoloteaban los pajarillos.

Espero que disfrutéis de las fotos y que os apuntéis este lugar tan especial, si estáis planeando una escapa a Inglaterra.


A few weeks ago, I went on a weekend getaway to West Sussex. It’s just an hour and a half away from London by train so I arrived there on Friday evening and went back to London on Sunday afternoon.

The place where I stayed, Amberley Castle, was just magical, and when I first arrived there I felt the days ahead were going to be magical too in a way. And sure it was.

All the food I had there was delicious and the service was excellent. Everyone was very kind and gave me some recommendations of where to go for a hike or for a good restaurant in town.

On Saturday morning I went on a long hike, which was beautiful. Luckily the weather was nice and the sun was shining. I always get that happiness boost when I go on a hike. Give me a pair of sneakers, some fresh air and green surroundings and I’ll be at my best mood.

In the afternoon, I sat in the terrace and read while drinking some tea – I’m such a British countrysider already! It was a bit chilly when the sun was gone but the sunset was just amazing. And having a flock of birds dancing and singing in front of me was just the perfect touch for such a breath-taking view.

So I guess now I can say I’ve slept in a castle, can you?


Hope you like it!







It´s a fringe party!

Hey there, 

Every time I plan a trip, I also plan what I´ll be wearing, depending on the destination of course. And with that comes some shopping before going to new places. When I travel I find myself willing to try new things, taking more risks fashionably speaking. It´s almost like going to a new place where no one knows me invites me to become whoever I want to be. Does that make any sense? Has that ever happened to you?

So as usual, I was going through all my favorite online shops, when I found this skirt on sale on Amazon, can you believe it? You can tell the skirt is the star of the look and it speaks for itself. That´s why I wanted to keep the rest of the look quite simple. A basic stripped shirt and sneakers. What do you think about this look? How would you style the skirt?

Es gracioso como siempre que planeo un viaje, también planeo compras para ese viaje. No sé si a vosotros os pasa, pero cuando estoy fuera de casa, visitando otro país, me gusta arriesgar más, ser más atrevida y aprovecho para jugar y no ser tan políticamente correcta vistiendo.

Esta falda la compré pensando en mi viaje a Nueva York, que además coincidía con la semana de la moda, así que era una oportunidad perfecta para lucirla. Cuando me la encontré rebajada en Amazon no pude creérmelo, tenía que ser mía! Puede ser más genial y divertida?

Es la pieza clave del look que hoy os enseño. Tenía pensado combinarla con una camiseta blanca con la bandera americana que me compré (también para el viaje) pero con las prisas haciendo la maleta, me la olvidé en casa. Así que una vez en Nueva York, compré esta camisa de rayas que me pareció que quedaba muy bien y a la que le voy a sacar un gran partido. ¿Qué os parece la combinación? ¿Cómo hubierais combinado la falda vosotras?


Hope you you like it!








Shirt: H&M
Skirt: Pepe Jeans
Shoes: Vans
Bag: Purificación García
Sunglasses: Cheap Monday
Watch: Michael Kors

´La Trastienda´, comida criolla en Lima

Hey there,

La Trastienda is a restaurant of comida criolla. You can tell Perú has a mix of different cultures and influences from four continents by its diverse cuisine. As a result, Peruvian cuisine has always been changing and nowadays it is hugely appreciated and widely recognized. Perú is fusion, Perú is tasteful.

El post de hoy se centra en el restaurante “La Trastienda”, en Lima, Perú. Está situado en el barrio de Barranco, en el circuito de la Costa Verde, concretamente en Bajada de los baños 343.

La Trastienda es un restaurante de comida criolla. Perú tiene una mezcla de culturas e influencia de cuatro continentes que se puede apreciar en su cocina y en sus sabores. Como resultado, su cocina siempre ha estado evolucionando y a día de hoy goza de una gran reputación internacional. Perú es fusión, Perú es sabor.


The restaurant offers a buffet service with fresh products and high quality fish.

El restaurante tiene un servicio de buffet con productos frescos y pescado exquisito.


This is the choclo (corn) pie, they had as a starter. It was mashed sweet corn with a delicious sauce.

Este es el pastel de choclo (maíz) que ofrecían como uno de los entrantes. Estaba mezclado con una base de puré y una salsa riquísima.


The second starter we had was a shrimp cocktail with some corn and avocado, all covered on pink sauce.

El segundo entrante que elegimos fue un cocktail de gambas, acompañado con maíz y palta (aguacate), bañado en salsa golf (así es como llaman a la salsa rosa).


Our last starter was this salmon tiradito, thin and fresh slices of salmon topped with avocado and sweet potato, all covered by tiger milk. But for me the best part is to have the leche de tigre once I´ve finished the plate. Leche de tigre is the natural sauce of ceviche, and you add to that white wine, vodka or pisco, green chili pepper, salt and black pepper. Mmm…., my favorite!

El último entrante fue tiradito de salmón, mi favorito, bañado en leche de tigre, que me encanta. Pescado bien fresco, suave, coronado con daditos de aguacate y camote (batata). Después de devorar el tiradito de salmón, para mí lo más rico es tomarme la leche de tigre a cucharadas. Mmm…, ¡me encanta!


The restaurant has two floors and a terrace with stunning views to the sea.

El restaurante cuenta con dos pisos y una terraza con vistas al mar.


This is one of the main dishes in the fusion Peruvian cuisine that can be found in many restaurants nowadays. It is the new version of a traditional dish, which was made of beef, white rice and fries. Now, the modern version is made with quinoa with cheese instead of rice, and there are no fries, just onions and peppers. Amazing. Definitely as must-try and a star dish on the Peruvian cuisine.

Este es una de los platos estrella de la comida fusión criolla que ahora encuentras en muchos restaurantes, lomo saltado con quinoa (la receta original lleva arroz en vez de quinoa y también se añaden patatas fritas). Esta sería la versión refinada del plato tradicional. Lomo, quinoa con queso, cebollita, pimiento. Espectacular.


In Perú it´s not unusual to see duck dishes in the menu of the restaurants. This is due to the influence from diverse cultures that are now part of Perú. There is a big influence from Asia and you can see that in the Peruvian cuisine. The Chinese cuisine is called “chifa” end this plate here is duck magret or magret de canard with chaufa rice (Chinese rice), usually fried rice with eggs and chives.

Debido a las influencia culturas dentro de la cocina peruana, es habitual encontrar platos con pato en muchos menús de los restaurantes, algo poco habitual en Europa. Esto es un margen de pato sobre arroz chaufa con salsa de tamarindo. El arroz chaufa es el arroz chino que se toma en Europa (al menos en España), al que se le puede añadir huevos revueltos, guisantes, cebollino, etc. En Perú hay mucha influencia asiática y la comida china se conoce como comida chifa.


Our last main dish was this big crab ravioli. It was just superb.

El último plato principal que pedimos fueron estos ravioles de cangrejo, simplemente espectacular.


I don´t have a sweet tooth so desserts are not really my thing, but had to try at least one. I usually like cheesecake son though I´d give that a try. It was supposed to come with berries but i think they run out of berries in the kitchen so they decided to covered the cake with these other fruits which i was´t sure what they were to be honest, but I did´t like them. But truth be told, I just took off that part and ate the rest of the cake which was yummy.

No soy una persona a la que le guste mucho el dulce, así que los postres no son mi debilidad, pero la tarta de queso normalmente me gusta así que tenía que probarla.

Creo que se debieron de quedar sin frutos rojos, como anunciaba el menú, y decidieron cubrir la tarta con otra fruta que no sé muy bien qué era, pero no me gustó. Eso sí, le quité la parte de arriba, y la base de la tarta estaba deliciosa.


Everything was superb. I will definitely recommend you to check out this place if you happen to be in Lima or if you are planning a trip there. I have tons of recommendations, and I´ll be happy to share those with you! Just drop me a comment here or on Instagram 🙂

“La Trastienda”, Bajada de los Baños 343, Barranco, Lima.

Comimos riquísimo aquí, sin duda recomiendo este restaurante a cualquiera que viva en Lima o que esté planeando un viaje allí. Tengo una lista con otras muchas recomendaciones. Déjame un comentario aquí o en Instagram y estaré encantada de compartirla contigo 🙂


Hope you like it!


Belvedere Hotel

Hey there,

Today´s look is a very easy and comfy look to stroll around the city all day. The jeans are now my favorites. They are Rag&bone and I found them in an outlet on my last trip to San Francisco. The fit is just perfect! 

My Vans come with me on every trip – they are the comfiest shoes ever. These one are beige and suede and I just love them. They are not your regular Vans, they are something else. 

I chose a knitted top with fringes to give the look that twist so it´s not too boring. Being comfy does´t mean you can´t be stylish, right?

I´ve also fallen in love with small bags lately and I always take with me this one from Purificación García. 

The photos were taken outside of our hotel, Belvedere Hotel, just steps away from Times Square, I highly recommend this hotel if you are thinking go going to NYC.

What do you think about the look? Is this something you would wear to walk around the city in your holidays?

Hoy os traigo un look desde Nueva York, donde estuve hace unos meses. Look muy cómodo para pasear por la ciudad todo el día.

Estas fotos las hicimos en el hotel donde nos hospedamos, Belvedere Hotel, situado a unos pasos de Times Square, un sitio muy recomendable si visitas New York!

Los jeans fueron mi compra estrella en mi último viaje a San Francisco. Los compré en un outlet y son los jeans que mejor me quedan de todo mi armario. Por supuesto, mis Vans vienen conmigo ya en todos mis viajes. Éstas son de ante beige, un modelo no muy común que me enamoró cuando lo vi. Y para darle un twist al look, elegí un top de punto con flecos de un color teja que me encanta.

También llevo mi bolso de Purificación García. He de reconocer que me encanta y lo llevo a todas partes. Me he acostumbrado ahora a los bolsos pequeños y son de lo más cómodo!



Hope you like it!










Jeans: Rag & bone
Top: Lipsy London
Bag: Purificación Garcia
Necklace: Maria Pascual
Shoes: Vans
Sunnies: Ray-Ban